Saturday, 12 March 2016

RTI - to expose the PIO's stern stand to NOT provide the information to RTI Applicant under any circumstance (ZIDDI PIO Versus ZIDDI RTI GURU)

PIO has NO intention to provide

information & makes excuses 

before FAA 

– This RTI (below) tries to 

catch his lies i.e., fix him in the wall

To                                                                   Dated:- 11/11/2016
Assistant Electoral Registration Officer
AC-17, Rohini
Mangol Puri 

 Sub:- Request for information u/s 6 & 7 of  RTI Act 2005
wrt reference number:- No.F.1/AERO/AC-17/2016/2134 Dated 16/08/2016

Respected Sir/ Madam,
It is requested that following information may kindly be supplied under RTI Act 2005 wrt reference number:-    No.F.1/AERO/AC-17/2016/2134 Dated 16/08/2016 :-
That within point 5 of reply vide No.F.1/AERO/AC-17/2015/4349Dated:-10-11-16, the Hon'ble PIO informed that, "when the documents were traced the applicant was informed telephonically many times, but he did not turn up to see the documents in person." Hence I request that I may kindly be provided certified copy of all the documents which I asked through my original RTI concerned toNo.F.1/AERO/AC-17/2016/2134 Dated 16/08/2016 & which have been said to be traced by Hon'ble PIO vide No.F.1/AERO/AC-17/2015/4349 Dated:-10-11-16
I am sending a Blank Postal Order no. 16F 837464 of Rs. 10 dated 11/11/2016 is attached herewith. Kindly fill the PIO details as it is the duty of PIO to provide reasonable assistance u/s 5 (3) of the RTI act to applicant. The requested information shall be supplied free of charge in case the same could not be supplied within 30 days u/s 7(6) of RTI Act 2005.
C/o   Q-7/77, GF, Sector-30, Rohini, Delhi-110085

Phone:                            09873540498

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