Saturday, 12 March 2016

RTI on CALL, RTI on PHONE CALL, RTI on Mobile Call, RTI on Who Called Me, RTI on Do Not Disturb Phone Call, RTI on Confidential Phone Call, RTI on Threatening Phone Call, RTI on Intimidation


or Threatening/ Intimidation 

of RTI Applicant

To                                                                                Dated:- 27/11/2016
Public Information Officer
DTC Headquarters,
New Delhi - 110002

Sub:-    Request for information u/s 6 & 7 of  RTI Act 2005

Respected Sir/Madam,
                                    CONFIDENTIAL:- This RTI contains my confidential number 9873540498. Kindly do NOT call me on this number. I humbly request your esteemed & Hon’ble authority to NEITHER let this mobile number 9873540498 leaked from your official records to anyone NOR let this confidential RTI leaked to anyone without my written consent due to my right to life & liberty and also due to other personal reasons.
                                    BACKGROUND:- It is respectfully submitted that I never mention my mobile number 9873540498 in any of my RTI’s, Complaints or other communications but still on 26/11/2016 at about 3:27pm I received a call from +9111233707x7 & that person on the other side forced me to reveal my identity which could be an attempt to pressurize me to withdraw my RTI’s & complaints to public authorities but I disconnected this phone sensing these threats which are common to RTI Activists all over India. Thereafter I searched google & found this number to be listed for DTC Headquarters EPABX & was shocked to learn that someone threatened me from a high profile number.
It is requested that following information may kindly be supplied under RTI Act 2005 wrt the above stated facts & circumstances:-

1.             Kindly supply the name of the person who called me.
2.             Kindly supply the name of the person/s who gave you my number.
3.             Kindly supply the purpose of this call.
4.             Kindly supply the talks that were done through this phone call.
5.             Kindly supply the certified copy from the diary entry & other entries made in the register with respect to the above call?
6.             Kindly supply the certified copy related to action taken report with respect to the purpose for which this call was made?
7.             Kindly supply the certified copy related to action taken report for making the call again if the call's/caller’s purpose was not achieved in the first call?
8.             Kindly supply the action taken report on the informer who gave you my number.

I am sending a Blank Postal Order no. 32F 123456 of Rs. 10 dated 21/11/2016 is attached herewith. Kindly fill the PIO details as it is the duty of PIO to provide reasonable assistance u/s 5 (3) of the RTI act to applicant. The requested information shall be supplied free of charge in case the same could not be supplied within 30 days u/s 7(6) of RTI Act 2005. Please do not club the information to the points even if the information is repeated.
C/o   Q-7/77, GF, Sector-30, Rohini, Delhi-110085

Phone:                         09873540498

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