Saturday, 12 March 2016

First Appeal - RTI - Leakage of RTI - Leakage of information - Confidentiality Clause under RTI Act 2005, Freezing of Records, Protection of Records from Destruction by PIO or Other Officers in the garb of Limitation Act/ Time Period or Laxity, Lacunae, Loophole in the RTI Act & in the garb of low penalty under the RTI Act as compared to value of the information sought or corruption versus malafide intention for unlnown reasons

Leakage of RTI, 

NO Reply to RTI & 

Freezing of Records due to 

malafide denial by PIO 

with malafide intention to protect 

the wrongdoers

To                                                                    Dated 22/12/2016
First Appellate Authority,
District Election Officer / D.M. (North),
Govt of N.C.T. of Delhi,
1, Kripa Narain Marg, Civil Lines,
New Delhi-110054

Sub:-   First Appeal u/s 19(1) of RTI Act 2005 due to NO REPLY RECEIVED from PIO for my RTI dated 26/09/2016 (annexed for your kind perusal)

Respected Sir,
(5)   That I have NOT received reply to my RTI request dated 26/09/2016 sent to AERO/AC-17 (Annexed RTI & Postal Proof for your kind perusal).
(6)   That to my utmost shock & surprise I have received neither reply nor any communication till date wrt this RTI from the concerned Hon’ble PIO.
(7)   That this concerned PIO with malafide intention has not provided information which is held by their office. This also hints that PIO with malafide intention is deliberately trying to withhold & deny the information requested by me under the RTI Act’2005.
(8)   That besides denying my RTI completely neither any communication was sent to me nor I was informed about the first appellate authority so as to fully jeopardize me of my fundamental right thereby making all possible efforts by Hon’ble PIO to deny information under RTI Act’2015.
(6)   To pass necessary directions in the light of above facts & circumstances
(7)   The PIO be directed to immediately release this information which he has denied.
(8)   To initiate action against the erring PIO u/s 20 of RTI Act’2005
(9)   The further information shall be provided free of cost i.e., the applicant/ undersigned be exempted in view of section 7(6) of RTI Act 2005 from payment of any further fee payable by me for supplying of requested information on account of default on the part of PIO to supply information within prescribed time.
(10)To issue directions to Office of concerned Hon’ble AERO/PIO AC-17 (emphasize) to freeze all the records/ documents requested within this RTI request & to keep those in safe custody till disposal of available remedies under the RTI Act’2005.
(11)To issue directions to Office of concerned Hon’ble AERO/PIO AC-17 (emphasize) to not to part away/ destroy/ mutilate/ tamper with any of the records/ documents requested within this RTI request.
(12)To take into consideration all the documents submitted by me which are in the custody of the concerned Hon’ble PIO & thereby release the information in the public interest.
(13)To issue directions to the concerned Hon’ble PIO to also provide me names of al those parties/ authorities to whom my RTI was leaked & discussed & communicated.
(14)To issue directions to the concerned Hon’ble PIO to also provide me all communications with all/any person to whom my RTI was leaked & discussed & communicated under the relevant provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005 & provisions contained therein.
Any other reliefs/ order as this Hon’ble FAA deems fit.
C/o   Q-7/77, GF, Sector-30, Rohini, Delhi-110085
Phone:                          09873540498

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