Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Misrleading reply to RTI, False reply to RTI, Evasive reply under RTI, Confusing RTI Reply, PIO misleading reply

First Appeal against PIO Deptt of Law, Justice & Legislative Affairs for providing misleading reply to RTI

To                                                                    Dated 30/03/2017
First Appellate Authority,
Addl Secretary. Law, Justice & Legislative Affairs,
8th Floor, C-Wing, Delhi Secretariat,
I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110085

Sub:-   First Appeal u/s 19(1) of RTI Act 2005
With reference to No.F.LJ&LA/2016/ID-1231/1234            Dated 29/3/17

Respected Sir,
  1. That from Hon’ble PIO/Deptt of Law, Justice and Legislative Affairs/Govt of NCT of Delhi/8th Level/C-Wing/Delhi Secretariat I received an incomplete/ misleading reply to one of my RTI’s vide above reference number.
  2. That my RTI has been rejected with malafide intention. That the Hon’ble PIO with malafide intent has not mentioned the name of department or office or similar info relating to from where it received this RTI by way of transfer so I am unable to  track it as I am sure I did not send any of my RTI directly to this Hon'ble PIO Office.
  3. That the respected PIO with malafide intent has not mentioned the original date of my RTI so I am unable to track it.
  4. That the respected PIO with malafide intent has provided equivocate answers in a single line rejecting my RTI whereas I write the following paragraph in all my RTI’s viz., "Kindly provide the information to each point separately. Please do not club the information to the points even if the information is repeated" which shows that the PIO has shown no interest & worked half-heartedly rejecting my RTI breaking the rules contained in RTI Act’2005 which is in contravention of the basic spirit of the RTI Act.
  5. That sec-6(3) of the RTI Act has not been honored if the information was truly not available to his Hon’ble esteemed office whereas I am sure that this information is available in this Hon'ble PIO office that's why some other PIO must have forwarded my RTI to this Hon'ble PIO. This probably hints malafide intention of this Hon’ble PIO.
  6. That in order to misguide/mislead even further, the reference number mentioned by this Hon’ble PIO has been mentioned as 2016 whereas it should be 2017.
(1)   The PIO be directed to immediately release this information which he has denied in the light of above facts & circumstances.
(2)   The further information shall be provided free of cost i.e., the applicant/ undersigned be exempted in view of section 7(6) of RTI Act 2005 from payment of any further fee payable by me for supplying of requested information on account of default on the part of PIO to supply information within prescribed time.
(3)   The PIO be directed to supply me my Original RTI & details thereof in the light of above facts & circumstances so I can track which RTI this Hon’ble PIO has replied to.
(4)   Action & Penalty against erring PIO as per section 20 of RTI Rules’2005
Other reliefs & orders as this Hon’ble FAA deems fit in the light of above facts & circumstances.
C/o   Q-7/77, GF, Sector-30, Rohini, Delhi-110085
Email:          aturchatur@yahoo.com
Phone:                         09873540498

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