Tuesday, 15 March 2016

First Appeal Court Record Tampering, RTI Court Record Tampering, RTI Action Taken Report, First Appeal Action Taken Report, RTI High Court, RTI Registrar Vigilance, RTI ATR, RTI Delhi High Court

First Appeal (Registrar Vigilance of Delhi High Court) regarding ATR on Letter Requesting Action vis-à-vis Court Record Tampering

To                                                                    Dated 31/12/2016
First Appellate Authority,
Registrar (Establishment), Room No. 101,
First Floor, Administrative Block,
Delhi High Court, New Delhi-110003

Sub:-   First Appeal u/s 19(1) of RTI Act 2005
With reference to No.19030/RTI/DHC/679/2016    Dated: 28/12/2016

Respected Sir,
A.    That this concerned RTI is directly related to the corresponding representation which I sent to Hon’ble REG/VIG/DHC on 16/10/2016.
B.    That within point no. 4 of that representation to Hon’ble REG/VIG/DHC I clearly informed about COURT RECORD TAMPERING with the heading “LETTER REQUESTING ACTION” & even within that point no.4 itself I requested Hon’ble REG/VIG/DHC to take action but still REG/VIG/DHC informed vide annexure included within No.18129/RTI/DHC/675/2016 Dt 19/12/2016 that it is neither against judicial officer nor against court staff. Can a common man do COURT RECORD TAMPERING without the involvement of either the judicial officer or the court staff?
C.    As per above facts & circumstances the Hon’ble REG/VIG/DHC did not take action against COURT RECORD TAMPERING & even point 9 of concerned RTI which directly relates to point 4 of corresponding letter has been ignored completely i.e., NO INFORMATION has been provided to point 9 of concerned RTI hence there is every possibility that the administrative authority & PIO might have reached a common understanding in order to miss/ignore/mislead this part completely which if enquired by this Hon’ble FAA might bring forth the reasons for such connected actions.
D.    That I requested within RTI concerned to "Kindly provide the information to each point separately. Please do not club the information to the points even if the information is repeated" but this request has also been ignored & I have been provided with an equivocate response by the Hon'ble PIO which is against the basic spirit of RTI Act'2005.

(1)   The PIO be directed to immediately release this information which he has denied in the light of above facts & circumstances.
(2)   The further information shall be provided free of cost i.e., the applicant/ undersigned be exempted in view of section 7(6) of RTI Act 2005 from payment of any further fee payable by me for supplying of requested information on account of default on the part of PIO to supply information within prescribed time.
(3)   Action & Penalty against erring PIO as per section 20 of RTI Rules’2005
Other reliefs & orders as this Hon’ble FAA deems fit in the light of above facts & circumstances.
C/o   Q-7/77, GF, Sector-30, Rohini, Delhi-110085
Email:          aturchatur@yahoo.com

Phone:                         09873540498

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