Tuesday, 15 March 2016

LEGO-TECHNICAL FALLACY - Wife's Dowry Complaints NOT valid due to Legal & Technical Reasons - An attempt through RTI on High Court to ensure legal & technical aspects of such a complaint's legal & technical standing under current laws for the time being in force in India

(RTI + Action) against Wife 

via same representation 

vis-à-vis Delhi High Court 

(Lego-Technical Fallacy)

To                                                                       Dated:- 09/07/2016


Respected Sir/ Madam,
BACKGROUND:- As per the ten enclosures to this letter, in year 2009 “JHOOTHI DEVI” after marriage changed her name to “PATIVRATA DEVI” & even got an aadhar card number 1234 7658 2039 issued with name “PATIVRATA DEVI” on it. Enclosures also include proofs which show that till 2015 she uses this name “PATIVRATA DEVI” explicitly but within 2015 itself she applied & subsequently got her voter card numberQWK1738273 issued with name “JHOOTHI DEVI” on it (without putting on record any name change proofs). In 2016 i.e., after changing her name & domestic residence she files domestic violence case no.16/4/16 with Ld. MM Ms. Joshila Devi Surtalwala.

Is it a criminal offence for the same person to possess one aadhar card with name “PATIVRATA DEVI” & one voter card with name “JHOOTHI DEVI” at the same time. If Yes, an appropriate action is requested by your esteemed authority wrt above information.

What is the legal validity of the above numbered complaint which is filed by changing her name without putting on record any name change proofs. Is such a complaint feasible lego-technically. An appropriate action is requested by your esteemed authority in respect thereof.

What is the legal validity of above numbered complaint under domestic violence act if there is a possibility of court record tampering & the complainant &/or her lawyer has even obtained &/or forged the signatures of Ld. MM on such tampered records (MEMO). An appropriate action is requested by your esteemed authority in respect thereof.

1.     Affidavit of name change from “JHOOTHI DEVI” to “PATIVRATA DEVI” dated 31stDec’2009  
2.     Back side of above Affidavit
3.     Super Enlarged view of newspaper ad of name from “JHOOTHI DEVI” to “PATIVRATA DEVI”
4.     Enlarged view of above newspaper ad
5.     Photocopy of above newspaper ad
6.     Signatures of “PATIVRATA DEVI” dated 04/01/2015
7.     Signatures of “PATIVRATA DEVI” dated 02/01/2015
8.     Signatures of “PATIVRATA DEVI” dated 07/01/2015
9.     Handwriting of “PATIVRATA DEVI” for which the date is on next enclosure
10.  Signatures of “PATIVRATA DEVI” dated 26/12/2010

I am sending a Blank Postal Order no. 32F 293854 of Rs. 10 dated 04/05/2016 is attached herewith. Kindly fill the PIO details as it is the duty of PIO to provide reasonable assistance u/s 5 (3) of the RTI act to applicant. The requested information shall be supplied free of charge in case the same could not be supplied within 30 days u/s 7(6) of RTI Act 2005. Please do not club the information to the points even if the information is repeated.
C/o   Q-7/77, GF, Sector-30, Rohini, Delhi-110085
Email:          aturchatur@yahoo.com
Phone:                         09873540498

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