RTI is an excellent tool in the modern times to fight false cases or to settle family disputes or property disputes. I have recently joined the community of RTI activists with my experience of combating the refusal of information sought. The case in point is RTI applicants usually ask a very simple and harmless information from the Commercial Tax Department or Govt. of India or from other public authorities. While a few Information Officers give the information, majority of them refuse on 11 to 12 grounds usually. RTI Applicants file appeal and also appear themselves. In some of the appeal hearings they are confronted by a RTI Consultant who also happens to be the author of some RTI guide book who was engaged by the respondent information officer in connivance with the appellate authority. As it was my vast experience of appearing in an RTI appeal hearing, I was taken aback. However one must gear up up to meet such challenges in future. Now query of an RTI applicant is Whether a consultant can be hired that too by the Departmental level information officer who has lot of resources at his disposal. Whether such consultant can directly confront RTI applicant with his arguments or he can only guide the defendent. As RTI applicants have to appear for another appeal hearing on 05.03.201X, so they must be enlightened about the ins & outs before hand regarding which RTI CONSULTANT DELHI is here for the help.
You may file RTI with the department of PIO seeking details of policy/rules, remuneration, terms and conditions of such representation at first appeal. FAA can permit representative if duly authorised by PIO. Do not be nervous if PIO is represented by such an expert because 95% of first appeals are decided in favour of PIOs, since PIOs off-the-record obtain concurrence of FAAs for their decision. However, it would be in your favour to gain reasonable expertise in RTI so that you can effectively represent your case at second appeal level. In all most all Central Government cases,Ministries you have to face Under Secretary CPIOs and in some cases even IAS. Entire thing depends on presentation and how IC takes it. Still some PA object representative participation for applicants during first appeal hearing and very few FAA's permit personal hearing. Such clashes are always useful to develop skills and experience to guide others.
The firm charges additional fees if the client wants the company's expert to file the application on his behalf. Rama said, "We generally ask the client to give us the power of authority in the form of an affidavit before drafting the application. We also depute experts before the information officer on behalf of our client."
For example, a client approached someone after the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) failed to pay him for stationery he had supplied it till 2005. The amount was Rs 30,000 and the client offered me a 50% share if the RTI route helped him get it. As soon as I filed the application, the BSNL issued a cheque and the amount was split between me and my client. I have now filed a second appeal seeking compensation of an equivalent amount which will come to me. Even the cost of litigation will be paid to that someone."
Soon after the act's introduction. Being involved in social work, many people approach me for help to draft an RTI application. All these years we helped them for free. However, we have begun charging a fee as we need money for our daily expenses."
Phone: 09873540498
Registration No. of Aradhya Seva, Power generator approval, Responsibility of PIO in transfer of application, Availability of layout Blue Print, PIO asking to collect information from other office, RTI to understand why no website for Bangalore Family Court, What should be my Next Step? Threatening by a Public Authority, approval list of the colleges, Double Agreement, Queries on Landfills, Coal allotment rti, rti on arvind kejriwal, chief minister office, rti on prime minister, Renewal of Driving License, name fraud misrepresentation to RTO, concealment of name or documents from regional transport office, shobhit university certificate verification, RTI quesries regarding Lanfills, Illegal Parking on road, PIO uses section 8j to deny most of the information, Harrasment of public figure, Vat on servicing two wheeler by authorised dealer, Is the cse mohali board is valid or not RTI, Illegal water connection to 12 inch pipeline of Hill Garden, Godrej Hill, Delayed in cheque clearence, Mark Sheet Verification, rti additional payment, Information on Private Hospitals, asking social welfare about proposed anganwari centres, Ration Card, procedures to get patta, Need help for framing First appeal, How to file RTI with Delhi Jal Board?, 1st appeal, Train passengers list of 16612 2 tire AC of 12-08-2016, How to remove mobile tower in residential area through RTI, Define Public interest, change sirname in marriage certificate, Information from telecom companies, telecom operators cartels, Video Downloader, time limit for supply information, Rule of preponement and postponement of ticket on concession voucher, how can i verify msc marksheet and certificate? Supply of incomplete or wrong information, about owner of sim BSNL, About dual degree, Tower in Residential Area, details of sim card, Failed to file first appeal within 30 days, Allotment of wasted land to defence personal, Supply of wrong or incomplete under rti, CPIO Refuses to Accept RTI Application, How to get FIR Copy against self, Hotel in Residential Building, Degree validate cheak, rti to check validity of a degree from university, i want to know indian cdc get how much time, change name in EPF a/c axxount, Duplicate bills from aug 95 onwards till merger with reliance, voter list of 1988 maharashtra gov. dist pune ward- bopodi, Balance in my CMPF Account Reg, rti registration of society, RTI against unfair internal marks by private engineering college affiliated by AKTU formerly UPTU, affiliation check thru rti, school cbse affiliated or not rti guidance, free rti formats, free rti suggestions online, rti generator, Spine-Rattling Speed Breakers right to information, my name in epf slip first appeal status, where to file second appeal CIC, address of information commissioner Central information commission, I don't know the old Passport Number, passport details through rti, Bike RC papers missing and need to sell my bike. HEPL MEE plzz, registration certificate invalid or not, aadhaar card validity check rti, RC book missing and need to sell my bike, FAA asking for Additional Fees against the basic spirit of RTI, written arguments for a appeal, Action taken available under RTI? PIO of Private college, how to get information from a private institution through their regulating public authority, Getting Occupancy certificate santacruz Mumbai, Unknown vehicle parked in front of my house since 2 months right to information, some body misusing my proof documents, lost property documents of mother in law, Can PIO say the ELECTION DUTIES AS reason for non reply of RTI application, Eligibilty of Lecture ship post, mphil valid for appearing in NET, ugc net department not following rules, discrimination against scholars 2009 exemption m.phil candidates delhi university department of commerce, CCTV footage of Axis bank from 2012, Driving License procedure for Physically challenged person, Certificate Verification right to information, job verification, placement company rti records check, Regarding Ex-Serviceman Re-employement, DP Remarks plan online, apply online, How to Find PIO? wanted Appointment and termination rules and regulation copy of private college manage by trust, trusteeship documents through rti, relinquishment deed, property records, land registration deed fraud check through rti, property deed registration concealment, obc (ncl) leva gujjar patil, find survey number for lost land documents? how to get order copy from bar council of delhi, RTI to get rulebook of T&C Co-op society, prescribed format, Specific Vehicle Movements in Toll Roads, Kendriya Vidyalaya me contractual teachers k vishay me, Lost my Wallet in Agra, Co-op housing society, No Police action for email complaint of on-line fraud, question on complaint, Credit Card of HDFC, axis bank credit atm card fraud dealing, cash withdrawal icici information through RTI, Application for SSC/ UPSC, Air Pollution, Driving License for Physically Challanged Person-A Challenging Task, How to file RTI to get minu of minutes of AGM from Sec / Chairman who refuse to circulate to members, How to file rti on line? Being asked for ID/Address proof, Life tax refund from chennai, Pension, Name change NOTARY gazette notification, CALL HISTORY DURING sep 2014 bsnl gsm (2 YEAR OLD DATA), sheena bora data for last three years available through rti, crpc 91 cALLER dETAILS & mOBILE tOWER lOCATION rti RIGHT TO INFORMATION, PAN card application Rejected, regarding couple case transfer, MATRIMONIAL DISPUTE RTI, FAMILY COURT RTI, housing board selection cruteria information, Diploma plus 10 year of service equal to BE, Bachelor of Engineering Exam Result papers certified copy, Tips for second hearing, second appeal hearing notice defective, defective contempt of CIC rules by CIC, Consumer case against Builder - Gandhinagar Court, invoking consumer court for non reply to rti, or complaint in CVC for denial of information with malafide intention, regarding incomplete ACR and service file, Regarding loan from bank, cctv footage preservation period, data retention by election authority, RTI Rules Book, RTI rules 2005 versus right to information act in various states, rti in jammu kashmir, Passport did not receive yet info, Regarding over and above construction of school in residential area then approved one, Guide line for review of 2nd appeal, PPF Account details, different mode of payment for rti application, How to write an RTI? Can I use carrier in privet four wheeler car, medico legal cases, rti on fake mlc, mlc verification by government hospital, Not receiving PF settlement, Certificates, RTI for property, I want MY BSES Duplicate electricity bill but before 2000, khta number of property documents, Marksheet right to information, Difference between certified copy and attested copy, true copy versus certified copy under rti, How to pay RTI fees for Karnataka, RTI Format for Karnataka, Pre Sanctioned EL leave by the Authority at the time of Election Training, The List of Company who paid the Electricity Bill More than 20,00,000/- per Month, Himalayan University, water supply problems in Adipur ,kutchh ward 6a area, rti income tax ward 19(1) delhi indraprastha estate ito delhi police vigilance branch rti, VIGILANCE BARAKHAMBA ROAD VERSUS CENTRAL VIGILANCE COMMISSION, one hand disability licence, AMPROVAL FROM HOSPITAL FOR disability, pio rejecting rti because limit 150 words, i have a required Bca degree, Fake jewelry bill sales tax verification, Whereabouts of Associate India Finance - Vehicle Loan - for NOC, Gujarat university supplementary exam, About copy of Service Book, Transparency officer gives partial reply, How long indian postal order is valid, Recourse to investors from SEBI in case of suspended companies such as prithvi info and geodesic, Getting Economically back ward certificate, Pension of my grandfather, Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) in newspaper, Free Legal service to poor, mnrega rti, Deletion certificate of ration card in Andhra pradesh, my land deatiles, land details of my own property, Voter ID Card not received, my pf account number, Property Tax on Mhada Society, RTI on Scoiety Final Accounts, legal heir certificate, hindu undivided family right to information, huf coparcener rti information access denied by public information officer, is public authority liable to penalty under the rti act 2005, Please help frame rti questions, Private school, private banks rti queries, want to know the appropriate authority, Regarding Propety card, Single girl Child benefit, Disclosure of Internal Inquiry Correspondence, school leaving certificate, concealment, correspondence students admitted details information, contraactors certificate registration or not, rti true false yes no type rti's & Fee refund from school, Up scholarship 2014-2015 data is under process due to unavailibilty of fund, lost my licence card, regarding refund after surrendring bsnl landline, landline details through rti, Applying for RTI in Telanagana, How to get my Police Verification Cleared? Rail Reservation Chart & Platform CCTV Footage, The PIO of a Zilla Sainik welfare office Sangli (Maharashtra) has made a false statement, Which Search Public Authority / Ministry /Department? vinayaka mission sikkim university degree valid for govt. job, how to get lease for odai porambooku, leasehold to freehold of property, removal of agents & middlemen rti, How to obtain marriage certificate in bangalore post christian marriage in church, Required address of vehicle no- hr-23-y-27837
Voter id card information documents sought urgently, 48 hours clause rti, confidentiality clause under right to information, information guaranteed vide constitution of india, About pradhanmantri suraksha beema yojana and pradhamantri jeevan jyothi bheema yojana, RTI Procedure in Post Office, whether convent schools comes under the ambit of rti, information needed, for know my UAN, Class of Gazetted officers, sarvodaya hindi school in kalyan near patripool, carpool odd even delhi rti government delhi govt car pool effecacy, delhi government advertisemtn spending budget allocation, property owner name, How to open a single-way road which is not used for past 65 years, mutual transfer, mutual fund rti, mutual consent divorce, mcd information, How to get approval to dig 100 meter alongside panchayat road (side of panchayat road) for agriculture purpose.. place- Thoothukudi, tamilnadu, Eye Information sought is not understood by PIO (Assistance for First Appeal), Illegal shops construction in my property premission, May I know how to ask the Questions in this application, Toll passing detail of Vehicle No. de 03-dsf-6274 on dated 09/09/2016 Root Between No reply with RTI First Appeal, Rgarding BSNL Prepaid Number, Inspection of CD/DVD, Need to file first appeal, To find patta number and related land area, Please Suggest, rti procedure, list of co op societies, I want to know how many sim cards are activated on my name.I Have doubt someone is using my identity and buy the sim, College Norms, regarding eligibility criterion forpost of professor in computer engineering, RTO Tax Refund Procedure, Class of officer at entry in Service, how to file rti against my gram panchayat and gram pradhan? Information of a Student, Regarding DoPT Circular, Will any Gazetted officer come Group C or D, doing masters in english, how to get passport cancel letter, Action against Public Information Officer, Step after getting acknowledgement letter from SPIO, Is idea company come under RTI act? Please suggest what to do, Education Loan Intrest Subsidy, LPG subsidy not transferred to bank account, lpg linked to aadhaar card but money not being transfered despite complaints, obc non creamy layer certificate, doing masters in english, Village road problem, info about mhada flats registration and stamp duty in mumbai, Helmet rules, PIO returned my Application without giving any reply, rc book, driving license number, Want to check Driving Licence, What Procedure to Follow? To get gun license, police verification pending at reginal office, passport number verification, pending passport CPV central Passport Department Ministry of home affairs external affiars, If the PIO does not reply or give information requested can a COMPLAINT be directly filed at INFORMATION COMMISSION without filing FIRST APPEAL? RTI General Question: Land, Address of owner, death certificate, Income of aaj tak news in year 2013-14 & 2014-15, Toll tax information, Who is the PIO in the MANDAL REVENUE OFFICE, Need your help, Society NOC, No objection certificate, clearance certificate, 3 year Engineering Diploma is equivalent to 12th, First Appeal, second appeal cic, voters list, bogus voters, Action against Mumbai University for delay in declaring results and then in providing mark sheets, Regarding my community certificate application, Shopek license for pathology laboratory, Crop removal from 9/12, Name removed from saatbara, Image of Driver, Information from Registered Associations, Mdu exam of ma distance, exam resuly thru rti, certified copy of checked answer sheets, rti evalutaion of undersity papers, rti on revaluation on exam papers in school of open learning, RTI File for Speed Brakers, polytechnic diploma is equivalent to intermediate, indiramma house scheme, Reg: Rc book details, equivalent, Not received scholarship from tesda india, Status of Shops in Chs Ltd, information regarding primary school teacher termination without notice, Latest Information building a house, Name transfer in patta, to get copy of an FIR, RTI to get details about photo pass, vessel blower, information rti whistle blower protection act, Malabar Temple domation records from trusees, trustee ship siddhi vinayak temple, valuation of temples, commissioner to be appointed rules & records for delhi district courts, PF Transfer Status - Tracking ID 9993180514748459659670, lost the rc and other papers of bike, i submitted my forum to receive two years before still now i didn't get money, to get properties name registered on my father name from his father, Liquor shops charge More than MRP, rti for private universities, PF withdrawal status, rti inspection of records, Patta Name change, Trains are running late by more then 3 Hours, Tamilnadu: RTI petition sent back as court fee stamp is not considered as payment, pf account load, work load of professor, workload government officer, busy pio, Right to information obtaining, Reduced in the Amount of Pension amount, loan required fROM PF Account, duplicate rc book, No reply from Govt dept to my letters, representation atr, ito pio, tax evasion petition, Police Verification procedure for passport applicant, Can I apply RTI in Courts in M.P.? nonclinical faculty promotion, kya Private universities bhi RTI act ke coverage me aati hai, License No.8812/NW/PXV DT. 17-09-2015, How can i get pan card agency, Chennai Corporation revenue old zone number i want new zone number and division, Complaint against Bank manager, NRI Status, Passenger details Azad Hind Express, How to remove MBMC Shasti, RTI Life and Liberty, RTI for INDIA POST, passenger list, BMC evict residents, RTI to Sports Authority, Query to know the owner, bpl holder loan, PF account no, Btech Provisional certificate, how to address if you want to file a rti againset patwari in delhi, How to write an RTI? Defense, carryinr personal goods (speaker system) in personal vehicle, recognition of AMICE course, Hearing of second appeal Uttar Pradesh SIC Lucknow, Need a hard or soft copy of Govt of India Ministry of education and social welfare( Dept of education) Office Memorandum, mou swttlement, one time settlement rti, minutes of board of directors meeting state bank of patiala, Non payment of salary, What are the modes of payment for RTI fees? fee of rti, Information regarding road between two plots, competitive exam answer sheet, How to know whether the land is granted or not in Bangalore, Labour, employer employee labour retention, omsbud complaint status, Land Patta - NOT ISSUED since 4 years, get patta, getting a copy of plan attached to gift/sale Deed of a property, Land was acquired, land acquisition rules, certified copy of acquiring land for making river in punjab, society / trust registration details, Postal voting, insurance for vehichel, behicle insarance details rti, category, Regarding police verification for getting permanent in central govt job, ccs rules, central government rules for termination of an employee, Your request is In Transit between EPFO Out and In Office, I want to know my new pf number, Missing land survey map, ist appeal, Sewing machine use in residential flat, complain against college regarding documents, No response from PIO, RTI and CSI-TA, rti icai, rti icsi, rti icwai, kurukshetra university exam marked shets certified copy rti, KUK improper paper checking for, exemption from election duty, I want my driving license number, Excemption from election duty, query about project submission in post graduation in gujarat university, No response from SIC, How to get information which was submitted in the advocate general office in connection with a case in which judgement was devilered, Details of prepaid mobile number of bsnl, Jain Minority Certificate, Suprim court order about the ancestor property, PF Details, SERVICE Register of public servant, House Ownership Details, Police complaint, Paasport Application Process, NSC encashment, forgot UAN NO, I want to file a rti in kendriya vidyalaya on the issue of contractual appointments, How do I get JRF Award Letter early? EPF Annual Statement, Want ownership address details rti, Jurisdiction over matters of Housing Society, Stop work of New Mobile tower Installation, How to file rti about village head? Can we get movable, immovable ASSETS & liabilities of Govt Officer under RTI? Any citations in this regard please, Applied for Notary, Top 10 mporters/ Wholesalers in India, details of amount of tenders accepted of different vendors, My appeals are pending with FAA and 30 days are already over. Probably FAA now don't found the ground for rejection, How to write an RTI? How to limit RTI APPLICATION or reduce weight of RTI application, Power generator approval, Society registration copy, Want to know more: Rules and regulations guide on NA tax, How to write an RTI? Aircel, How to get details of property ,if specific details are provided, Voter List, RTI Help: I want to know property owner name, not satisified with the details, I want to know how many phone numbers are working on my ID proofs?, Lost My Driving License, I lost my passport how to get the passport number for getting new one, How to write an RTI? Study leave rules in OBC bank, RTI Help: Information regarding green card benefits, Illegal construction in my property in pune, RTI Activist in Pune, Regarding School leaving Certificate, Driving Licence lost, Mode of payment of RTI fee, red and blue beacon used on vehicle, Call list, Need copy of Village land Records, provident fund returns, Approval of builder, How to get details of property ,if specific details are provided, Non RTI Issues, I want to know property owner name, Power generator approval, Society registration copy, Lost My Driving License, I want to know how many phone, , RTI Act, Read the RTI Act, RTI Online, How to file RTI Online, RTI Online Sample RTI Forms, RTI Rules and Fees, Centre State RTI Rules & Fees, Who is RTI Activist, RTI Activist, How to become RTI activist, RTI News Member , RTI India iphone App, Up rti rules 2015, UP RTI Rules 2005 have been superseded. I am attaching new UP RTI RULES 2015 effective from 03-12-2015, Passport Renewal - Annexure K - How to obtain it, Illegal construction, Driving Licence No. by Name, EPF pension withdraw rule, Want to know the status: Banned medicines, how can i get my minority certificate of Jain from Ratlam (M.P.) 457001, verify certificate, PF withdrawl, infringement RTI ACT-2005, How to get Passport /visa /travel details of Husband ? Minority Declaration Certificate, What Procedure to Follow? PF Account Balance with HIL trust, Community certificate of another person, is it Third party information, Was the result declared against the employment notification No. SECR/04/2013 Dated 4.12.2013, Know the Hospital Registered Under Registration No. HOS/11/310, Bank loan sanctioning, Audited report of a nationalized bank's branch, spelling mistakes in my degree certificates, What Questions to ask? Misuse of government vehicle, UAN Number forget, Need help to locate PIO, rTI application procedure, postal address changed, Exemption of Election Duty West, RTI in ACB Trap case, fee waiver for sc/st students in, verification of Vehicle, Need Information about my complaint, Procedure to get the diploma certificate, Income tax calculation regarding donation, medical council of india, Information related to Private companies, Gas Agency, How to write an RTI? Unqualified doctors working in backward area, PF account detail in UCD case, One angry(or funny) pio, Building plan at wadala, RTI Second appeal whom to send. Caste verification certificate of third party, complaint regarding the payback of my college tution fee, Reg:EIILM UNIVERSITY DEGREE IS INVALID OR VALID, answer key not satisfy of RPSC, how to know PF account no by using pan number ? e-commerce delivered stone instead of phone and now declining every responsibility, then who is responsible, I Complained to University of Rajasthan, Complaint under public disclosure, Nasik Airport, EPF Loan Withdrawal, How to file rti in first apeal authority, What Procedure to Follow? Refund of application money, Regarding Gratuity from B.M.C.Education Department, check passport details, Need maharashter voter list 1995, survey number, 1st Appeal Fee Central Govt Department, Information about education, CPIO rejected RTI applicatoin under Section 8(1)(e) and (j) Borrower account Rs 10 crore, Sarpanch of village, Rules Regarding donations collected by an NGO, clarification about a land, Does SBI Bank comes under RTI, Who can seek information under RTI, Application Fee to RTI, Application Fee to RTI, Lost Mobile-Reg, info about :power technology, Marriage Certificate, Rti for immigration details of my family member, How to get fir file copy from eow via rti? Third party information without consent, File inspection of complaint register, What next after first appeal, Delay in EPF WITHDRAWAL, Housing loan fraud, third party information, Denial of information under Section 8 (1)(d) and refusal of communication on record, I want to find Patta Number using My Flot Servay Number, Rate of interest, Pf claim delay, CBDT address for RTI, Validity of Driving Licence, can state commsion pass order without personal hearing, case registered against car owner, wanting to know about appear in exam, Adhaar again forcefully asked for LPG Subsidy, different signatures on RTI Application and First Appeal, Claiming for pf amount, Owner details, Who is a FAA? How to get details of what has been done by the Police, can I get the Payslip of official, digital card of my ration card, lost my two wheller and four wheller license, How to file RTI? car parking in residential area, Train Tickets refund not given, rti online publication of certain period of information, Query about Second Appeal, RTI English application form, lost file number of old passport, Rajasthan University, Tenants rights under Pagdi System - Lanlord wants to redevelop granting Repair Permission from BMC, PF Number, regarding my Ph.D. IN EDUCATION, Need information related to my Post, Rti form, pan card grievance, Can I file RTI on behalf of my friend, Reservation in Group A promotion for differently abled persons in central govt, Does land survey number changes? Want to know more: How many RTI question at ones time, rti one time settlement, rti memorandum of understanding, rti mediation, rti on counselling, To know the status of application for notary public, regarding gratuity, about OBC (cream leyar), RTO Karnataka bangalore, Registration of products, obc scholarship, missing applicant signature, Lost my bike rc book, how can i know how many sims are in my name, Validity of GO, Your request is In Transit between EPFO Out and In Office, complaint has been lodged & no action will be taken in respect thereof, mca me is eligible to work in engineering colleges, Department For eduction, NOC is required or not, Want to know more: current owner, Divorce Certificate, RTI to see Answer Sheet, signed copy awaited mean ?? Rectification status is not known since 2 years. Refund is pending, RTI regarding maintenance of Municipal Committee's Website, RTI against municipal corporation, Who can carry out inspection under RTI, OBC certificate, Backward welfare department (West Bengal), How to Find PIO? Kindly help me, Does veera shyva lingayath caste comes under obc, PF amount in UCD case, PF withdrawal rejected, Regarding Conveyance Deed of Co. op Housing Society, What should be my Next Step? CCTV FOOTAGE of police station, What should be my Next Step? TNSIC order on a second appeal cum complaint, How to write an RTI? Reservation in train, MSEB New Connection Procedure, Can RTI help in maintaining "Swach Bharat", what are benefits who are born on 2nd october, How to get copies of complaint and case from Police Station, Latest Information I want to know about the person, FIrst Appeal not Received and RTI answer lately after 30 days, Incomplete, illegible info supplied by CPIO, job, benifits to Baby girl born on 2nd october, Passanger Information from Railway, Muthoot Finance Vehicle loan statement needed, Citations for obtaining cctv footage, Need to buy room in slum area. Can photopass will transfer on my name? call history, Not supply of Document, RTI for hotels, Regards transport allowance to railway employee while he is at Territorial army, Volumnous informtion sought by BPL Applicant, how to call inspection of record in first rti appeal, how to join RTI activist, Determination of non-creamy layer of obc, Information about Society, RCI book not received, Hindu mahadev koli ( SBC- COMES UNDER OBC IN CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ???) driving licence renewal, about call detail, Regarding getting PLAN COPY OF NEIGHBOURS BUILDING, Please help to file rti: Sra & local bmc are in hand to hand, PIO has denied the information under Section 2(f), Information in CD, RTI for personal details, Personal detaills by RTI to 3rd party, Public premises act, neccesity, Any experience with e-Post Office for money orders to pay RTI application fees? regarding employment, legal heirship certificate mumbai, Refusal of information, How to make a complaint against malpractices in attendance marking, Employer harassment after resignation for experience letter, How to write an RTI? I want to know whole financial acount n details n scholarship information, absurd reply by FAA JCIT on tax evasion petition, What Questions to ask? Ola cabs, How to write an RTI? I want to filed rti to Indian postal, Provisions for not marking attendance, reaction of a RTI, rti query, IOCL - Black of kerosene oil and illegal properties, Black income haryana, pf amount withdraw, court case RTI, Road repair, What Questions to ask? VIJAYAWADA METRO Rail, List of Registered Co-op. Stys & Trusts in Mumbai & Thane, mudra loan, Govt officials exepted from poll duty, is any provission for rest room for running staff in subarnan section, RTI Application without signature, appun ghar, apno ghar public authority, Group A, B offices in PSU, Money lending license, can i file RTI, How to write an RTI? Railway Reservation Enquiry, Fixation of Pay/Monthly Emoluments, Community certificate date, INSURANCE POLICY DETAILS United India Insurance company, verify
result, Check PF balance Online, Degree related grievance, Require an information regarding survey, adress of rajya suchna ayog m.p, Public Authority is reluctant to provide information, check my name in cibil list, Medical records of wife, PCC status, To control n monitorise outside workers in kerala state, eB.Tech. Eletronics and telecommunication Degree given to sanjivani sanjiv patil by manav bharati university,himachal pradesh,solan, Need to do change details in DOB, date of birth certificate MCD municipal corporation of delhi, OBC scholarship, What Questions to ask? PF recovery, Enquiry for approval flat from metro corporations, delhi metro rail corporation rti publc authority penalty against pio for denial of information malafide intention, rti targetting whistle blower government organization, banking, Want to know about RTI On-Line, section? appeal aggrieved on sec 7, 48 hours, What should be my Next Step? Regarding registration in karanataka private medical establishment authority, d h o & family welfare bangalore, forgot UAN number how can i retrieve it, passport number, Applying for New Ration Card through Regd Post, What can I do with bad road in my locality, Degree mark verifcation, My Income Tax Refunds are pending and no response from IT department, Aphousefed- loan for house property, land document lost, Solution for lost driving licence in Tamilnadu, Receive a final divorce decree certificate, Facility for Ex-servicemen given by Bihar govt, Gratuity, CIBIL defaulters list, How many Sim Cards active on my name, rules under any act cannot beyond the section in the relevant act, information under RTI, obc caste name conflict in state list and central list, Original SSLC and PUC Marks Card, about gram panchayat, Epf, file missing rti, Corporate Social Responsibility, Details of Vehical Owner from Vehicle No, Newbie RTI doubt, What Procedure to Follow? To write complaint against builder illegal construction on our terrace flat and misbehavior with our family, About information more than 20 years old, Can we get employee service records(govt), Sarvajanik Ganesh Mandal Registration at Village Place, What Procedure to Follow? How to change name in birth certificate of my daughter of age 5 years, fir copy rti caw cell, complaint against women cell copy though rti, regarding eligibility, Rti regarding name in ration card, RTI on vividha sahakary seva society, Coaching Center, Housing Society matters, RTI filed to wrong Department / Public Authority? Annual Road Tax, number ditails, Call detail, i want FIR copy from rajasthan, License taken by delhi police for three months, police reverifivation, loss of passport file (application) number, how file rti, Interpretation of PIO, Information about train passenger, refund the deposit, Schools fee rules, name and address from moble no, actual price for lpg new conection, how to get information of a court case on a residential plot, me ra r c card nahi milraha hae moje kya kar na ho ga, Other caste in commutnity certificate, degree verification, About marksheet, Mobile Number User Details, police first information report fir copy, rti ncr copy, rti non cognizable report, goverment for single girl child, delhi goverment scheme for single girl child, Want to know more: Rto and normal police, What Procedure to Follow? re survey number, year back rule, Age criteria for admission to JR Kg, Want to know the status: Toll tax taken after due date, CIC Second Appeal, prison department, RTI prisoners condition, inhumane treatmnt of prosoners of war, amnesty international, super built up area, RTI for seeking information on Post Matric Scholarship, RTI for inspecting certificates of a student, ted at the time of admission, For quariy about remac reality india limited company, Is service tax applicable on commission received, my prepaid number incoming call details, Police Verification for passport, compaint through person, Latest Information Doesn't get pension (EPF) regularly, Degree Verification, social wellfare fund eligiblity, non disclosing of information under rule 8(1)(g)& 8(1)(h), Maternity benefits, caste related quiry, Compaints undeRTI Act2005, how to file an rti, RTI on Regulator for Nissan Motors Haryana, called for personal hearing under first appeal, File Inspection but 8(1)J hence copies won't be provided, status of online second appeal to CIC, How can I get medical report (MLC) in MNC hospital, verification of Enrollment no, Need to track CTS No, Decision in First Appeal, Pakistan policy, Unable to activate uan, Inquiry Regarding Pollution Papers of Govt. Vehicle in a District, Regarding Full & final settelment after resgin, land detail, RTI against Municipal Corporation - switching off of street lights, inspection og exam copy, 2nd appeal fee, Govt Policies for female employer transfer, Query for Project Approval Status of a Builder, criminal prosecution of PIO, how to get a copy of will, Iron factory in a residential area, I am one eyed with 40% vision impairment, two degrees but different years, full and final settlement with last month salary with releaving letter still pending since more than 3 years, OSR Fees to get building plan approval, administrative, Gujarat sales tax rti application, any RTI example or experience seeking an Application Programmer Interface, Need to know the owner of a property, Huge tree being cut or pruned by Civil Contractor On road and Clear within 12 Hour In Goregaon Jawahar Nagar, I want the owner details from vehicle number, fee details school college university, Complaint against non payment of FnF salary, Ngo, Need vehicle details, Estimated time of work done in government offices, Notary public area, School fee concession on Second Girl Child, RTI on Cyber Cell, why we are paying money for the parking if they cannot take care of the vehicles, Why no middle name, Society registration refused by concern authority, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), How to get the final post mortem report, cash handling charges for cash credit account guidelines by RBI, Want to file 2nd appeal on SIC, Bihar, State information commission fees procedure rules number of days lmitation time period uttar pradesh uttaranchal, uttarakhand, Ngo, I need final my mobile, Want to know the status: Panchayat, Bill of Entry, bill of laden, inventory records government department, mtnl stock keeping fraud, internal trading, RTI for Gram Panchayat, lost R C SMART CARD what to do rti help india, details of incoming Calls And Incoming Messages of Airtel postpaid number, My own car parking problem-please suggest, incoming outgoing call detail, Delhi District Court FAA targeting by giving date of Sunday, Ration Card Pending, regarding driving license, regarding validity of Court fee stamp in mumbai
*Disclaimer:- Atur Chatur is my pen name. I am Delhi University Ex-Lecturer. I am NOT a lawyer. I am a PIP (Party-in-Person). I filed Perjury (fraud on court) on lies of my wife with proofs. I filed court case against Police/CAW. I filed complaint against Judge Family Court (JFC) due to unethical practices/ gender discrimination which resulted in JFC Recusal. I also became a RTI Activist. I acquired all other knowledge/info after false 498a/DVC/Divorce/ CAW cases were filed against me & entire family & my income greatly affected so I have chosen this profession to support my family & also to support my one man fight against gender discrimination in India. Counselling Fees = 2,000 only for approx one hour talking to you & suggesting you few methods like RTI or other methods which is based on my knowledge which I acquired while fighting false cases. Fees is subject to change due to urgency & other factors so please confirm. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or anything like that. All written by me & my suggestions etc is my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my counseling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. Fees for the RTI & any other writing work is to be paid separately & does not come under counselling fees. Pls ask the fees before getting any work done. Fees once paid (even if paid in excess) are not refundable under any circumstances. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or anything like that. All written by me & views/ writings/ RTI/ suggestions/ counselling guidance etc are my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my counselling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees. There has been no advertisement, personal communication, solicitation, invitation or inducement of any sort whatsoever from us or any of our members to solicit any work through this website. The user wishes to gain more information about us for his/her own information and use. The information about us is provided to the user only his/her specific request and any information obtained or materials downloaded from this website is completely at the user's volition and any transmission, receipt or use of this site would not create any lawyer-client relationship. The information provided under this website is solely available at your request for information purposed only, should not be interpreted as soliciting or advertisement. We are not liable for any consequence of any action taken by the user relying on legal material/information provided under this website. In cases where the user has any legal dowry consultation issues, he/she in all cases must seek independent legal advice from his own reliable sources & contacts. Disputes if any shall be subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only. General Disclaimer applies.